Royal Wedding

4.29.2011 It was a real life fairy tale and I’m not ashamed to say I stayed up late and enjoyed every minute of the Royal Wedding last night. From the big hats (or ‘Fascinators’ as I learned they are called), to the trees in Westminster Abbey, to William and Kate looking absolutely stunning, I was entranced. Yes, there are more pressing, important things going on in the world, we all know this. Yet, what is…

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Healing Waters

4.26.2011 (Written several weeks ago on my flight back to Hawaii.) Cruising altitude. We have been chasing the sun West across the Pacific and I just witnessed the kind of glorious sunset that brings tears to your eyes. I feel as though it was meant for me alone, because everyone on the plane has their window shades closed. I am reflective and thankful in this moment, even for the illness that plagued my body for…

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You Are Always Becoming a Writer

4.5.2011 I was born to write stories. This is perhaps the one true thing I know in life. I have known this since I was a little girl. In the past few years however, I have done a lot more talking about writing than actual writing. I took a creative writing class at UBC before I moved to Hawaii and it stirred me out of the artistic doldrums I had fallen into following college. Amidst…

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If You Have a Dream, Don’t Waste Your Energies Explaining Why

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