Adios 2014! Welcoming a New Year…

Sometimes  I have conversations with my future 92 year old self. It sounds crazy, and quite possibly it is, but she’s a wise old dear and has good perspective. I think of her when I’m deep in contemplation or making a big decision. What advice would 92 year old Rosalyn give me right now? Most often, she provides that little bit extra courage I need, or she tells me to smile and just let it…

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Keep your Head up, Keep your Heart Strong…

“Life is unfolding as it should.” One of my high school English teachers, Mrs. Hargreaves, said that in class one day and I never forgot it. I remember writing it in the margin of my notebook and I still find much comfort in it to this day. I’m currently obsessed with Ben Howard’s album, Every Kingdom, and the funny thing is that I’ve been falling in love with Howard’s sweet voice for some time, and didn’t really put the…

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A Pep Talk

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Never Say Never

Received this lovely reminder in the mail today That maybe, Just maybe, The best hasn’t happened yet. And there is so much beauty in that.

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What do you desire?

What if money was no object? How would you really enjoy spending your life? Life Changer!

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