Morning Time

Confession. Recently, I actually did the following: I woke up, rolled out of bed, grabbed my Iphone off the nightstand and shuffled half asleep down the hall to the bathroom, where I proceeded to check my work email on my phone while I peed. Let me repeat, I CHECKED MY EMAIL WHILE I PEED. That’s right. As in, I was doing business while I was doing my business. And then I decided to scroll through…

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Keep your Head up, Keep your Heart Strong…

“Life is unfolding as it should.” One of my high school English teachers, Mrs. Hargreaves, said that in class one day and I never forgot it. I remember writing it in the margin of my notebook and I still find much comfort in it to this day. I’m currently obsessed with Ben Howard’s album, Every Kingdom, and the funny thing is that I’ve been falling in love with Howard’s sweet voice for some time, and didn’t really put the…

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Musical Musings

Today, in a little coffee shop in East Vancouver, I was inspired. My cousin’s partner Jeff is an extremely gifted and accomplished composer. He has written music for over 75 dance, theater and film productions in Canada and abroad, and is an integral member of the Vancouver theater community. Being, of course, that his work is largely done behind the scenes, it has been over 20 years since Jeff has actually performed for an audience.…

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