Adios 2014! Welcoming a New Year…

Sometimes  I have conversations with my future 92 year old self. It sounds crazy, and quite possibly it is, but she’s a wise old dear and has good perspective. I think of her when I’m deep in contemplation or making a big decision. What advice would 92 year old Rosalyn give me right now? Most often, she provides that little bit extra courage I need, or she tells me to smile and just let it go. She’s good at reminding me that I’m on my own unique path, that the comparison game is pointless, and that there are still many adventures to come in my life’s story. (She winks when she says that last part).

So as I sit here today on the eve of the new year, I can’t help but wonder what 92 year old Rosalyn would say about the year 2014. I hope she’s reading this one day. I mean really, this blog is mostly for her anyways 😉  But I imagine she would let out a deep sigh and say something along the lines of, “Ooooo, now that was a tough one. A sad one. Lots of death and illness. I remember a lot of tears, a lot of questions and frustrations with why things were unfolding the way they were.”

“But,” she says, “I also see that I allowed myself to FEEL all those emotions. Acknowledge them. Explore them. Which allowed me to get even more vulnerable and honest with myself. I learned how to take better care of myself and not feel guilty for it, which included coming up with my “non-negotiables” for self care – nature, yoga, writing , baths, sleep, morning rituals, green smoothies etc.  I learned  how to be more present in my relationships. I continued to learn that relationships take hard, committed work, be it friends, family, or lovers (just one).  That compromise is key. That we always, always, always, have a CHOICE in our attitude and how we handle any situation. It isn’t always pretty, but the mess is what makes it life.  So really, although I didn’t smile quite as much that year, there was a lot of growth.”

See? She’s a wise old broad, that 92 year old gal.

Here are a few of my 2014 high/low lights that I am most thankful for this year:

I am grateful for my amazing parents that are my hugest inspiration in life and love. My dad, who is fighting cancer like a boss, and my mom, the eternal ray of sunshine who has taught me everything I know about always finding the positive. “This is a journey, and we are a team,” she always says of my dad’s cancer. They are the best team. I am grateful I was able to visit home four times this year to be with my family.

I became a yoga teacher in 2014! I am so grateful for my teacher training experience in Costa Rica, and will never forget teaching my very first class at the Rec Center in Saratoga. I thought my heart was going to beat right out of my chest! My yoga journey continues to evolve and I am grateful for the opportunity to share the yoga space with others, at the ranch and in my community.

I am grateful for the Platte River. I have come to love this river that runs through our town; it’s a peaceful escape and my “little ocean” if you will.  For all the fun times we spent floating it this summer, walking along it, watching the dogs play in it, and yes I am even thankful for falling out of boats into its frigid temperatures.

Adding to that, I am grateful for Wyoming. I’ll be honest, she can be a real bitch sometimes. However, she does have a softer side that I continue to uncover.

I’m not really one to focus on material things, but I finally bought my first vehicle this year!  And that was exciting! Can’t get too far in the country without wheels.  I got a used, blue like the ocean, 2003 jeep liberty and I love it. And maybe this stands out more because I was finally able to get a couple of credit cards paid off and figure some financial stuff out. Slowly but surely. Progress feels good!

I am grateful for my job and a wonderful third season at Brush Creek Ranch. I continue to learn and grow professionally and I take great pride in making the ranch a more magical place every year. I feel lucky to have a job where I constantly lose track of time.

I have to mention my dogs! Kaiya and Penny have brought so much joy to my life this year. I can’t imagine life without them. When I don’t feel like going outside in the cold, Penny gets me SO excited for a walk.  Right now, they are both fast asleep across the room, and Penny has her legs in the most hilarious position against the wall.

I am a million times grateful for my man, Michael. It was a challenging year for both of us and we did a lot of leaning on each other. We’re definitely not perfect, and we’re equally stubborn, but we keep learning and growing together in the dance of love, and it’s a beautiful thing. And I am so proud of him for having his first few pieces of rustic wood furniture up for sale in Saratoga! Watch for more to come in 2015 from his side business, Wood Intentions.

Well, all that said, I am READY. Ready for 2014 to be over. Ready to welcome a new year of growth and possibilities. Ready to smile and laugh more. I have no idea what 2015 will bring, but my heart is open. I do foresee a tropical vacation, and maybe a half marathon? Getting some more writing published? Goals are in the works.  Stay tuned.

It seems fitting to ring in 2015 in a place on my bucket list that I’ve wanted to visit since I came to Wyoming, and that is Jackson!  We’ll be at the top of the mountain tonight and I’m all in. I will be wearing the funny hat, blowing the horn, kissin’ my man, dancing, drinking champagne and toasting to 2015!

Wishing you love, peace, good health, courage, and lots of time in nature this new year!

Let’s make our life story one our 92 year old selves will be proud of 😉




  1. Oshi
    December 31, 2014 / 4:51 pm

    Wow, great story! Bye 2014 & Aloha 2015 & one year closer to your 92year old self! Your a special person & a talented artist… Keep up with your writing & enjoy life’s journey. Love you, Oshi

  2. Michael
    January 6, 2015 / 9:41 am

    What a year indeed. Well said babe. Hard to wrap 2014 up in a nutshell but I think you did it. Excited for 2015 and to continuing to grow. Keep writing! Love you!

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