This is Love

Thank you for inspiring me every day Grandma and Grandpa! When everything has been told and retold countless times, when the places I have visited, the things I have experienced, the steps I have taken because of her are all transformed into distant memories, nothing will remain but pure love. …Love that moves the heavens, the stars, people, flowers, insects, the love that obliges us all to walk across the ice despite the danger, that fills us with joy and…

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Live, Love, RUN: 13.1 Conquered.

Yesterday I completed a goal I’ve had for a long time. I ran my first half marathon. The funny thing is that I actually completed a 25K race in October which is 15.6 miles – a distance greater than the half marathon which is 13.1 miles. Yet, there is something significant about that 13.1 distance. I wanted to conquer it. I signed up for a half marathon in 2010 and was training for it but…

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This is your LIFE.

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Wise Young Sage

Sage: [seyj]  noun, adjective, sag·er,sag·est. Noun 1. a profoundly wise person; a person famed for wisdom. This morning I was the first to arrive for yoga class, so I found a seat on a bench outside the studio. A few minutes later, a woman arrives, with a child under one arm, food in her other hand. “Morning,” she smiles at me, putting the child down. “Sage,” she says to him, “Do you want some breakfast? Here – mmm – let’s have some of this.” She feeds him…

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Sometimes life smacks you upside the head. Literally. I awoke this morning and pulled back the shade, breathing in the scent of another sweet Hawaiian day. I am trying to incorporate more yoga and meditation rituals into my daily life, so I ignored my laptop and phone and turned on a yoga DVD. The instructor’s soothing voice immediately calmed me and I focused on my breath, pushing all thoughts and worries out of my mind.…

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