Morning Time

Confession. Recently, I actually did the following: I woke up, rolled out of bed, grabbed my Iphone off the nightstand and shuffled half asleep down the hall to the bathroom, where I proceeded to check my work email on my phone while I peed. Let me repeat, I CHECKED MY EMAIL WHILE I PEED. That’s right. As in, I was doing business while I was doing my business. And then I decided to scroll through my Instagram feed while I was at it.

And I did this on more than one occasion, until one morning I stopped mid scroll and actually realized the absurdity of what I was doing. Within minutes of rising, bathroom or no bathroom, I was attached to a gadget, consumed by work, filling my head with tasks and action items, or with other people’s photo streams.

Well, I reasoned, I HAVE to with the way my job is. I work in hospitality and there might be a guest need that has to be attended to immediately before I get to work. (It’s true and happens often). I will be texting coworkers about horse rides while I make my tea, about guest transportation while I’m brushing my teeth, about off ranch fishing trips while I’m loading the car. Of course, I tell myself, I’d rather check my emails and messages now, so I can knock a few things out, and  mentally prepare on the drive to work so I’m not surprised by anything when I get there.

Excuses, excuses.

But what I am NOT doing is giving myself time to wake up, to breathe, to be present to the beautiful quiet morning time. I’m not setting myself up well for the day. Instead, right out of the gate, I’m giving myself over to other people’s priorities and lives. I’m gluing my eyes to a screen.  I’m doing exactly the opposite of what I preach to my yoga students. I’m doing exactly the opposite of what I want to be doing in those precious morning moments.



And when I thought about it a little more, I realized the mornings that I teach sunrise yoga at the ranch, I don’t check my gadgets in the morning. I’m up at 5am and out the door and I want to make sure I’m in the right head space to teach, so I don’t even look at my phone. And guess what, those are my best days. I start my day with yoga in nature. I’m calm, I’m relaxed, I don’t let things get to me throughout the day. I don’t react. I laugh more. So why don’t I create that space every morning for myself?

Because there’s just not enough time, that little voice says in my ear again. From June to November I work 11-12 hour days, 6 days a week. I am tired. I want to press snooze.  I don’t have TIME to meditate every morning or do a couple sun salutations.

There’s time if you make it. A very wise soul reminded me the other day that we must prioritize the things that are important to us.  We have to set boundaries for ourselves.

I don’t want to be the unhealthy workaholic person who doesn’t make time for the things that are important to her. I don’t want to be attached to gadgets. That is not who I want to be. If I’m going to talk the talk, I need to walk the walk.  One thing I love about the ranch is seeing our guests unplug  and enjoy the wilderness and time with their family and friends. I see the amazing things that it does for their entire being.

The other night, Michael and I went to the lake for sunset cocktails. We sat on the tailgate and he played this song that he heard on NPR recently. It’s called Morning Time.  It’s the loveliest song. And while I sat there listening to it, watching the sun go down, I was truly present and I had some clarity.

I have not been looking at my phone in the mornings lately. And I’ve been playing this song while I make my tea and get ready for work, as a reminder to slow down, and be present to those sweet soul-stirring moments when the sun is rising on a new day.




  1. June 22, 2014 / 10:31 pm

    AMEN SIS!!! I have definitely caught myself doing all of the above multiple times and it’s so silly. I had gotten so attached to checking my phone that I literally had the urge to throw it against the wall at one point. Not a healhy relationship right? I’ve been doing “morning” pages every morning while i drink my coffee and doing my best with meditation. The days I succeed I always find myself in a much serene and pleasant mood.
    Love this song and love you and love your writing so keep it up. miss you <3

  2. Val
    June 23, 2014 / 1:13 am

    Thank you for this. Tomorrow, I will have MY morning time.
    …I’ll let you know how that goes with the 4 yr old up at the crack of dawn 😉

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