November Ponderings and Bathtub Recipes

It’s a quiet Sunday. Grey. Michael and I raked the billions of fallen leaves in our yard today, which was somewhat of a feat in the Wyoming wind. It was the kind of day that calls for cozy socks and a nap. Our wood stove is back in regular use, our only (chosen) means of heat through the winter months. Michael and I took the dogs for a walk and the town felt more still than it has in a long time. The hush of winter setting in. All of the seasonal ranch and resort workers are gone; only the full-time residents remain. The hearty few. Somehow I find it oddly gratifying that I am now part of this group. Like somehow, I have proven something. Probably to myself more than anyone.

I don’t know what it is about this time of year, maybe it is this collective quieting down around me, but I seem to get a little more introspective, a little more moody, and a little more emotional (Michael would probably attest to this). It was a busy summer and also a tough one. There has been a lot of illness and death in both mine and Michael’s family, including my amazing Dad who is currently fighting cancer. It’s been a summer of learning to function with a heavy, worried heart every day. But function you do, because you have to. You have to smile and do your job, even when you feel hiding in the storage room for a cry (and sometimes you do). But my grueling summer work schedule was good because it kept my brain occupied. I was moving and busy. I decided to run 100 miles in September for my dad, only during our busiest month of the summer this year at the ranch. Somehow I found time to fit it all in. Just keep swimming, just keep swimming….

And now… it is quiet.

It is quiet, and I have more time. More time to slow down, observe where I am with all this, and take some time for me.

And then the oddest thing happens. These overwhelming feelings of GUILT wash over me. Who am I to take time for ME?! Why should I get this luxury of more time? I have friends with full-time jobs and new babies and toddlers, friends and family who are taking care of sick loved ones on top of their own lives, not to mention those that are actually sick, like my Dad, who are fighting the good fight, taking it one day at a time.

Who am I to take time for me? I don’t deserve that, I scold myself.

And then while teaching yoga recently, just like I do every week, I say something in class about the importance of taking time for ourselves to slow down and check in. No judgments. About taking quality time to show OURSELVES some love, amidst the hum of our busy lives.

And I’m pretty sure I stopped talking mid-sentence as the GIANT lightbulb went off, no, as it knocked me upside the head.

Oh HELLO hypocrite.

So here’s what I know (and clearly what I need to remind myself on the regular). We are the best version of ourselves when we take the time and care to check in with ourselves and do the things that make our heart happy, whatever that may be for us. And most often, we know what those things are that we need. We just don’t make time for them. But we most definitely do deserve them. All of us do. NOTE: Guilt and judgment are NOT invited to this party. Give ‘em the boot. We all have our own challenges in life, our own burdens to bear. How we show love for ourselves will translate in how we show up for those challenges and how we show up in life in general. This is a lesson I am constantly re-learning.

Oddly enough, when I was running those 100 miles for my dad, I suddenly realized how energized I felt, and how badly I needed that solo time after a busy day. And suddenly all the excuses I made about not having enough time for myself didn’t fly anymore. We always have the choice to make time, even if it’s a quick 3 minute meditation or a 10 minute walk.


For me, a couple of the things I love doing are reading and writing. I love getting lost in a good book with a big cup of tea. Or trying to make sense of life by writing on this blog. I enjoy these things. They make me feel present and content. And for whatever reason, I often tell myself these things are not “productive” enough. Now that I just wrote that, it sounds ridiculous. (Repeat: BOOT the judgment!)

Yoga, hiking, wandering with my camera, or settling in for a TV show marathon accompanied by a wine and cheese party for one – are a few of my other favorite ways to relax and spend time with ME.

But my all-time favorite way to show myself some love is by indulging in a good ol’ fashioned bubble bath. There’s nothing like it. I swear I walk out of that bathroom on clouds.

Without further ado, I present to you my tried and true recipe for The Best Bath. (Seriously, I just had one).

1. Music – Set the mood with something relaxing that makes your ears happy. I’m ALLLL about Etta James and the like lately.
2. Lighting – dim the lights or light some candles. Give your eyes a rest.
3. Bath Salts – SO crucial in my books to soothe and relax your sore muscles. Drop in a cup or two of your favorite salts as you fill the tub. I LOVE Dr. Teals Lavender Epsom Salt Soaking Solution
4. Essential Oils – Diffuse your favorite essential oil to calm and relax you.(Or put a few drops right in your bath water). I just received my first order of DoTerra oils the other day. I’m loving lavender, peppermint, wild orange, and the Serenity and Breathe blends.
5. Stillness – once you’re submerged, close your eyes and focus on your breath. There’s nowhere else to be.
6. Pumice Stone and Bath Scrubs – Get yourself a good pumice stone and bath scrub to give your feet and skin some love every once in awhile. My friend Jenn gifted me a homemade peppermint sugar scrub and it leaves my skin feeling refreshed and invigorated.
7. Comfy Cozy Bathrobe – We’re talking the oh so cozy, hotel style plush robe. Totally worth the buy. There’s nothing like wrapping yourself in that coziness when you step out of the tub.

So make a date with yourself. Get in the tub. Be kind to yourself and remember to take care of YOU, especially during the busy holiday season around the corner.


Dream Tub 🙂



  1. Katie
    November 10, 2014 / 7:26 am

    Lovely! …and so true for many of us.

  2. Em
    November 10, 2014 / 8:19 am

    I love this post!

  3. Nikki (Nicole's bestie)
    November 10, 2014 / 7:36 pm

    Amazing. Simply, amazing.

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